breaking news

Friday 20 July 2012

day forty-eight and soup

"Yes of course!" said Benny. "It will be an honour to serve Your Excellencyness with some soup. Today's special is beetroot." 
"Beetroot?" said the Emperor.
"Er.. Yes," said Benny. "I have made it especially for Your Excellency's visit!"
A slightly awkward pause. "It's very good!" said Ron.
"Well, then we will have beetroot soup!" said the Emperor decisively.
"Thank you," said Benny."And if your Highnose likes it, I would like to name it in your honour."
"Well, then I hope I will like it!" said the Emperor.
The Emperor, and his footmen and generals tucked in to Benny's "special" beetroot soup. One of the generals spluttered a little, but dutifully ate it up when he saw the Emperor had polished his off. "You must give me the recipe so that I can have the Imperial Kitchen's Head Chef make it!" said the Emperor. The general gave a little snort, but disguised it as a cough. "It will be known as Emperor Peng Win Glorious Imperial Beetroot Soup!"
"Thank you!" said Benny, relieved.

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