Meanwhile back in the garden, oblivious to Ron’s recent adventures and his current plight, Percy and his friends continued living their lives pretty much as normal. Percy himself was working on his guidebook to the teahouses of the Gardenlands. You can read one of the entries from the guidebook below.
Puff was painting his abstracts or lying in his hammock daydreaming.
Pip was taking photosnaps, a sample of which, along with Pip’s photosnappic tip for fellow photosnappers, can be seen below.
Bill and Bobby had finished decorating the policebirdbox and were busy trying to re-establish law and order after Sheriff Tinned Tomatoes quit, having been constantly terrorised by Lucy. This involved a lot of paperwork and tea and biscuits.
Percy’s Guide to the Tea Houses of the Gardenlands #1
Go over the red hot brick wall (somehow) and then across the white pepper ground and along beside the pickle farm and the beetroot positions and then along the haphazard path for about twenty minutes, past the bicycle pumpkins and the tonic water fountain.
Then you have to orient yourself across the cotton shirt tails wilderness and eventually you’ll get to a nice little tea-house. This is Tea House No. 1. Highly recommended.
Pip’s Photosnap Abum #1
*An action shot - stand very still and press the button quick!
© David Severn 2012
© David Severn 2012