"Er.. yes, I think so," I reply.
"What are you doing here? You're a long way from home!" said Benny.
I explain how I came to be on the airship - about the Cocktail Lounge and the rope and everything. "I see," said Benny, "Yes, ropes can be tricky things. According to the Policebird Force Manual, Section 31, paragraph 89, article 3, sub-section 99:"Dangling ropes and string", you are advised to report the dangle to a policebirdman or deputy, or a qualified rock-climber, or ancient fisherman, or candle-maker." Now I'm 101% sure I'm speaking to an ex-policebirdman!
Benny continued for a few minutes with more details from the Policebird Force Manual, including what to do with coiled ropes, rope-ladders, how to get money for old rope etc.
Just then, Benny's monologue was interrupted by the sound of three blasts from the airship's trumpet. "You'd better go - the airship's about to leave," Benny said.
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