breaking news

Monday, 30 April 2012

Policebird Files - Report by Sheriff Tinned Tomatoes

Help! Somebody get me down! Lucy netted me in a lace tablecloth and I'm dangling from an oak tree.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Policebird Files

We (Bill & Bobby - policebirdmen) will be busy redecorating the policebirdbox this week. We'll paint the walls a peaceful pale police blue and the bars of the cage a smart charcoal suit grey and the door a mysterious deep police sea blue according to the Policebirdforce Manual section 11, part 2, paragraph 891, point 60,"Official Policebird colour schemes/policebirdboxes/interior/woodwork etc">
We (B&B) will also be scrubbing the police doorstep, polishing the floorboards and cleaning the police rugs.
Please note: this is not an opportunity for any law-breakages or infringements. Please abide by all the laws. Sheriff Tinned Tomatoes will be on patrol.
from Bill & Bobby, policebirdmen, at your service (after decorating).

Sunday, 8 April 2012

day forty-seven and ten-elevenths

Now I'm inside the Soup Shack, getting warm. Soup of the Day is mountain-potato & edelweiss root, which is hot at least. The coffee is also hot. I see, though, that the penguins prefer iced coffee.
The owner of the Soup Shack, a tall, stocky birdman, looks quite familiar. I feel like I've met him before, but that's not possible. But who does he remind me of? He looks kind of stern. Oh! Bill & Bobby! He looks like the policebirdmen! Could he be the legendary third policebirdman brother who disappeared a long time ago? What was his name? Barry? No. Bertie? No. Blinky? Boz? Bunny? Basher? No, none of those. Boots? Blake? Bjorn? Harry? No, it definitely begins with "B". Buckingham? Breakwind? Bottletop? No, too formal. Beaky? Bignose?
Now Captain Cookie is making an announcement:"We'll be going in a minute everybody". And then he says, "Can I have another coffee to take out, please, Benny."
Benny! That's it! It must be him - Bill & Bobby's brother, Benny!

Sunday, 1 April 2012

day forty-seven and nine-tenths

All the passengers and crew, Captain Cookie, Lieutenant Montblanc, the two stewards, got off the airship when we arrived at the port in the Chilly Peaks. One of the stewards tied up the airship with a rope (the rope I tugged in the Cocktail Lounge) to stop it floating away.
The port was a small flat ledge near the top of one of the peaks. There was a sign saying "Welcome To Chilly Peaks", and another sign saying "Soup. Coffee" and another one saying "Customers are advised and warned that because of slippiness it is not wise to walk near the edge of the ledge".
I looked around at all the passengers as they stretched their extremities on the ledge before rushing in to the "Chilly Peaks Shack". Mostly penguins, a crane, and one or two seals. They didn't seem bothered by the extreme chilliness, but I was glad to get inside the warm shack, even though I was wearing a big coat that one of the stewards had provided.